Beginner Bartender Learning How

What to Bring Your 1st Shift Bartending

So you landed your first bartending gig and you only had to make up just over half your employment history-congratulations! As you left the interview did you wonder what you would need to bartend behind an actual bar? And how you should show up without raising too many red flags of suspicion with management or your fellow bartenders? Let’s address those worries right here and now.




You need a good pair of durable slip resistant shoes which are comfortable enough to take your running around in them for eight to ten hours a shift. They have to be slip resistant in both water and oil, and preferably with a steel toe for protection from above. Big box stores stock them starting at around $25 bucks, though most of them won’t offer a steel toe. Just make sure they fit or blisters will soon be gracing your feet.


Wear an undershirt. Unless you’re working a tiki themed bar on the beach, wear an undershirt. No one wants your chest sweat as an accent to their drink of choice. Even if your uniform itself is a t-shirt, wear an undershirt beneath it. This prevents sweat marks from appearing on your uniform. Look tidy and professional, wear an undershirt.


Wine Key

Any that has a corkscrew and folding knife will do but in this bartending game leverage is key, so don’t opt for a cheap little number. Instead get a heavy gauge wine key with both a cork screw and knife, but also a rim wrap to compliment the cork screw. It makes opening bottle after bottle of wine much more bearable for your wrists.

Bottle Opener

A flat, heavy one that provides plenty of leverage so you can pop multiple bottle caps off in rapid fire succession, like you would say for a bucket of six beers during a bucket beer and buffalo wing night. Bottle caps will be the carpet upon which you tread bartender.

*Both of the above items can be found online, any big box retailer that sells home goods, restaurant supply stores and occasionally at your local package, aka liquor, store.


Nothing makes you look the part of a professional bartender than having a light on the spot. Get a big cheap bag of mini lighters that you can lose or give away as waiters will borrow them for candles and guests on their way out for a smoke.


Nothing impresses your new fellow barkeeps more than having a big cheap bag of black pens. And remember you’re also seeking the approval of your fellow bartenders to nail down the job permanently.

So good luck and break a leg behind the stick. These supplies will ensure you look the part for your first bartending shift.


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