Essential Tools for Bartending

A Bartending Kit Essential

Do you drink coffee on your way in to work your opening shift?  Uh oh, the new waiter just knocked that glass of Pinot Noir over at the service bar, and now you’re wearing it!  Accidents happen.  Spills, stains and spots strike often after we’ve just pulled on a clean work shirt to head out for another night of slinging drinks.  In this post, I’ve gone over general grooming equipment no bartender should be without.  Today’s recommendation falls into an even higher level of importance-the grace saving Tide pen.  Never is exactly when a barkeep should be caught behind the stick without one of these shirt savers.  So head out to a large box store and pick up a 3-pack to leave in your work locker or somewhere behind the bar.  No need to say anything.  You’re welcome nuck-nucks!

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