• Links of cocktails, bars and restaurants

    Links from Libation

    Sunday Funday is here!  That must mean it’s time to scour the internet for tasty links to share with all of you.   Want to impress your pals or guests; here are a few simple…

  • Opening a bar in Savannah, GA

    Street Research

    July 10 , 2016   Anthony,      The foot traffic in the neighborhood seems pretty steady.  During the week people commute to work on foot and bicycle.  Weekends, the park in the square down…

  • New York City sends SpillTab its regards

    Another Request

    June 30, 2016   Patrick,      The numbers you sent up look good.  But you need to spend some time in the neighborhood.  Take a walk around at different times of day and different…

  • Business Research Market Statistics

    Neighborhood Research

    June 21, 2016   Anthony,      I’ve got several sets of data, so we’ll start broad and drill down.   Savannah, GA: Population of 145,000 with a median age of 32 years old. Median Household…

  • Detecting Bartender Theft Behind the bar

    A Guide to Stop Bartender Theft

    A busy bar’s bartenders handle a large amount of cash transactions and buckets of cash tips.  Often these activities are outside the watchful eye of management making them ripe for the bartending thief.  But what…

  • Links of cocktails, bars and restaurants

    Links from Libation

    Come one, come all to this piping hot pot of links!  A full belly for a full day’s enjoyment of links!     A deluxe set of 3 Cobbler shakers for dirt cheap. It’s getting…

  • Wine Knowledge for Bartenders

    Wine School 101

    The bar offers people drinks containing alcohol, right.  Well sometimes people want to class the joint up a bit by ordering from the wine menu.  So, you better have enough wine knowledge to handle whatever…