• Links of cocktails, bars and restaurants

    Links from Libation

    Hope you came hungry for some booze news links.  Today we have a big bowl of them for you to dive into.  Enjoy!     The Attaboy team in New York has reimagined the Dark…

  • Bartending Tough Shifts

    Some Shifts BE Like…

    We’ve all been there.  The shift that leaves you feeling shot out and dawg tired.  The ones that leave you with more questions than answers.  These are the shifts that try bartenders’ souls.  Don’t fret…

  • Opening a bar in Savannah, GA

    A Promising Lead

    June 15, 2016   Anthony,    A location has popped up unexpectedly.  My landlady, Ms. Stevenson, and I were talking about how difficult the real estate game was down here, when she mentioned a shuttered…

  • Opening a bar in Savannah, GA

    A Sad Request

    June 7, 2016   Dan,    Thank you for sending me those inventory spreadsheets and training manuals.  They should have me covered for training up the staff.  But I don’t know if I’ll be using…

  • New York City sends SpillTab its regards

    A Hustle Accepted

    June 2, 2016   Patrick,    Howdy stanger!  Ms. Jamie says hello.  The Hudson Bay Room is still the same old cast of characters.  It just keeps chugging along, and the money is as steady…

  • Opening a bar in Savannah, GA

    A Bar Concept

    May 26, 2016   Anthony,   Here are my answers to part of the checklist you sent me.    Concept:   The focus of the bar will be atmospheric.  It will have a colonial tavern themed…

  • St. Patrick's Day Parade Forever

    St. Patrick’s Day 2021

    It’s showtime!  St. Patrick’s Day for many bartenders will be the biggest event to hit their bar all year.  A Super Bowl of Bartending.  If gatherings are allowed in your town, I hope you’ve gotten…

  • Opening a bar in Savannah, GA

    A Business Proposition

    April 30, 2016, Anthony, The following document contains privileged information.  Please do not show it to anybody or discuss the contents. If you agree to these terms then sign and date here: X______________________________________________________.   Here…