• glassware behind the bar basics bartending

    Glassware Behind the Bar

    Glassware is the last addition to any drink you serve.  As such, it should be clean and pleasing to the eye.  Steins, Pilsners, sour glasses, ponies, tumblers, etc.  represent examples of the many different styles…

  • Cocktail Considerations Technique Shaken Stirred

    Cocktails Shaken or Stirred

    When first learning about cocktails you have to decide which ones you’ll stir versus the ones you’ll shake.  Some should always be shaken such as the Margarita, Amaretto Sour, and Mudslide.  These drinks involve dairy,…

  • how to run a bar meeting

    On Holding a Bar Meeting

    There are few things in the service industry that hit more of a nerve than an inconveniently scheduled staff meeting.  This is made worse when the scheduled meeting is as unproductive as it is inconvenient…

  • Classic Cocktail Negroni Recipe

    A Spring Cocktail Negroni

    The weather is beginning to warm up so you would do well to begin offering lighter cocktails.  If the thought of making pitchers of Skinny Margaritas put a chill down your spine then be sure…

  • saving a thousand dollars money basics

    Saving a Thousand Dollars

    It’s great that you’ve started a rainy day fund by saving your first $500 from bartending. Great work! If you missed our prior article about how to save your first $500, you can find it…

  • bar tools basic bartending drink builders

    Tools of the Bar Trade

    The tools that you use to make drinks will vary in style, size, and cost.  And while you won’t be required to shoulder much of the cost to purchase them, there are a few you’ll…

  • learning beer basics bartending

    Beer School 101

    The world’s first food law was introduced to protect beer’s purity.  1516’s Reinheitsgebot which is German for Purity Law  allowed for only water, barley, hops, and finally yeast to be used in the brewing process. …

  • Garnishing Cocktails a Bartender Guide

    Garnishing Great Drinks

    Garnishes are the most visible ingredient used in the drinks bartenders turn out. When possible, they should be procured and used for bar service the same day. As a matter of cost, you will have…