• Flair Bartending Tricks

    Bartending Flair

    I know, I know flair bartending seems pretentious and needlessly self-aggrandizing, but incorporating aspects of it would benefit any bartender’s game behind the bar.  Flair calls on one’s sense of showmanship and sleight of hand…

  • How to be Funny Behind the Bar

    The Art to Being Funny

    Every bar is a stage.  A stage that puts you on display for guests to interact with for eight, ten, twelve hours a shift.  Stephen Kittredge Cunningham, author of The Bartender’s Black Book, discusses creating…

  • Detecting Bartender Theft Behind the bar

    A Guide to Stop Bartender Theft

    A busy bar’s bartenders handle a large amount of cash transactions and buckets of cash tips.  Often these activities are outside the watchful eye of management making them ripe for the bartending thief.  But what…

  • Legendary Bartenders Advice Paris Twenties

    Bartending for the Lost Generation

    What would it be like to bartend for such legendary figures as Ernest Hemingway, Gertrude Stein, Pablo Picasso, F. Scott Fitzgerald, James Joyce, and various European Counts and Princesses?  Well, Jimmie “The Barman” Charters did…

  • Wine Knowledge for Bartenders

    Wine School 101

    The bar offers people drinks containing alcohol, right.  Well sometimes people want to class the joint up a bit by ordering from the wine menu.  So, you better have enough wine knowledge to handle whatever…

  • Fine-Straining Cocktail Bartenders

    Fine-Straining Cocktails

    What’s with the kitchenware behind the bar?  We’re making drinks back here not prepping pasta for a large Spaghetti dinner!  Relax Max what you’re looking at is a fine mesh strainer that is used to…

  • Classic Cocktails Tom Collins Recipe Bartending

    How to Make a Tom Collins

    Nothing cuts the heat and humidity like a tall slender glass filled with a Tom Collins cocktail over ice.  So famous and beloved they named the glass it is served in after the classic drink. …

  • How to Rim a Cocktail Glass

    How to Rim a Cocktail Glass

    Bloody Mary’s, Lemon Drops, Sidecars, or Margaritas are just some of the cocktails where you’ll be called upon to rim the serving glass.  Some places will have you only rim half the glass so as…