How to Save Five Hundred Bucks

Saving Your First $500

So you’ve been put behind the bar for a few training shifts. You’ve probably already begun to form an idea of what bartenders earn during various shifts. So all you’ve got to do is wait your turn until someone quits or gets fired before your money train arrives, right?


If money equals freedom, then your money equals your freedom. Freedom from what you ask? How about freedom from being laid out of work due to illness for a couple of days, weeks, or months? How about the freedom to quit a lousy job? Or the freedom to invest in a great business opportunity? Your journey to financial freedom starts today. Right now.

This approach was laid out by George S. Clason in his classic bestseller, The Richest Man in Babylon. The book teaches that the money you earn as an employee must be put to work for your future. It doesn’t matter if you’re a lunch time barkeep or a nightclub’s high volume machine. You will save 10% of everything you earn, from each shift. Pay yourself first. Put your money to work. If it requires your depositing the ten percent after every shift, then deposit your money after every shift.

You have to save $500 as fast as you can. And no, I’m not talking about saving this money until you pay rent in a couple of weeks, or splurge on concert tickets. It needs to be free and clear of all financial demands that you may face on a weekly or monthly basis. The goal is to see how long it takes you to put away five hundred bucks and also what a ten percent savings rate nets you by month’s end. In upcoming posts, I’ll share some money saving tips to help you in your quest. We’ll revisit The Richest Man in Babylon again when we make plans to save a thousand bucks!!

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