New York City sends SpillTab its regards

An Investor Weighs In

May 31, 2016




Just a quick follow up to our chat during the fishing expedition.  I must confess I’m curious as to how all this will look in the end.  By that I mean the bar’s brand, the type of customers it will attract and where to open it?  So while so much is still up in the air I just wanted to weigh in with my own thoughts as an investor.  

I love hamburgers!   Applebees, Shake Shack, Wendy’s, Five Guys, you name it.  Love’em all!  So what I was thinking was how about we create a Burger & Bar Concept?  We bridge the gap between Fuddruckers, where you build your own burger, and P. J. Clarke’s classic New York City saloon!  A bridge too far?  I don’t think so!  We have a great barroom atmosphere and allow guests to come up to the Burger Bar and build their burgers like you would order a sandwich at Subway!  Then they can walk over to the authentic-looking Saloon Bar and order from the cocktail menu.  It would be a perfect marriage between Cheers and T.G.I. Friday’s!!!  We would have a tiny jukebox on every table!  Just like at Johnny Rockets, and before you ask, I love their burgers too!  Families are going to love it!  Also uniforms…I’m thinking we dress the staff up in 1920’s garb.  The females would dress up like Flappers and the fellas would dress up like gangsters.  We could even have you and the bar back walk around with fake cigars!  But no guns.  Absolutely No Guns!  Feigned gunplay is an absolute family sales killer.  We’ll have to get creative on obtaining some bathtub looking booster seats for the little buckaroos.  So many things to consider.  My mind is racing with all sorts of details in the speakeasy-style concept.  A speakeasy bar & grill for the whole family!!!  This could be bigger than that wave of ‘fern bar’ chains back in the late 1970s.  You know the ones: Bennigan’s, T.G.I. Friday’s, Applebee’s, etc.  In other words, this could be a massive national chain within the first five to seven years!

Again, I’m really excited to be starting this venture with you and the team.  This is just my opinion as to what a homerun concept would look like.  Hope this idea really gets you jazzed!  WTF!?!  Look at me already speaking the lingo!


Always here to help.
