Opening a bar in Savannah, GA

A Sad Request

June 7, 2016



Thank you for sending me those inventory spreadsheets and training manuals.  They should have me covered for training up the staff.  But I don’t know if I’ll be using any of it.  Dude, one of the investors is set on creating a national chain of family-friendly speakeasy bar & grills!  He envisions the bartenders walking around with fake cigars in their mouths.   WTF!?!  What is this fresh new nightmare being brought before America?  He wants bathtub booster seats for the little kids who need them.  The whole concept makes me want to go jump off the Talmadge Bridge into nothingness.  Other than that everything is going great!

The real estate hunt for the right location hasn’t turned up anything.  The realtor doesn’t want to deal with me anymore.   I’m trying to keep the costs in check and treat this venture as a single unit lean start up.  If the investor group wants to open the next Applebee’s, than they picked the wrong operating partner to kick things off.  Before I whine any further can I have my job back?   I’ve learned my lesson that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.  I will gladly pick up brunch or weekday opening shifts when I return.  Or weekends.  I’ll work Saturday and Sunday, and can have a place to stay within the next month.  Would I be able to come back and bartend at _ _ _ _ ke’s three shifts a week? 

I mean who do I think I am Dale DeGroff?  Folks like me aren’t just given an opportunity to open their own bar.  Did I really just fall for this!?!  I really thought they liked me enough to invest in my ideas and for us to grow together moving forward.  Well, I learned my lesson.  This has been a huge mistake.  I should not have come down here.  Thank you for all your help and for volunteering to be my shoulder to write on.  

Talk soon,

