Opening a bar in Savannah, GA

A Friendly Hustle

May 7, 2016


Dearest Sean,

I wanted to take the time to write you a thank you.  My valuables arrived a couple of days ago intact.  You are a dear sweet friend to see that it got down to me safely.  How is the venerable old institution known as The Hudson Bay Room treating you?  Are all those stiffly starched uniforms still causing your skin to break out in a rash?  I’m sure there has been no change in the money or clientele(sp?), both of which are top notch.  Speaking of which how is the lovely Ms. Jamie?  Is she still disrupting the Zumba workout industry with her cutting-edge classes?  It is only a matter of time before she converts you into a Zumba junkie. 

No worries about the handle of Blanton’s that didn’t arrive its bottle is made of glass and glass can break when being shipped across the country.  I hope you enjoy it with special people celebrating a special occasion.  I hope the occasion wasn’t packing up my stuff and the people weren’t Ollie, Drew and Dave.  Also if Dave should have taken the liberty to borrow my Tubes vinyl for his social gatherings that’s fine.  Just let him know I expect to see it sent down by the fall.  By then I’ll be ready for a soft opening for the bar. 

Everything is coming together and I’m excited to be opening my doors no later than October.  Possibly as early as September!  I had a crazy thought cross my mind.  It was about you taking off that stiffly starched uniform and spending the fall down here in Savannah!  You could come down and consult me on my bar opening.  Sell Jamie on how romantic Savannah is in the fall. The two of you would have a blast down here for a few months.  My landlady has some cheap rooms or apartments furnished for short term lease.  I could pay you as a consultant as my investors would be fine with the expense.  What do you say Sean?  After the summer vacationing the rush of New Yorkers back into the city is always hectic.  Take a break from recommending the veal and get out of the grind for a few months.  Come on Sean-ee, after you two get married you won’t be able to do anything spur of the moment.  Plus you’ll be getting a steady paycheck without all the wear and tear of bartending.  At least consider it.  We’ll be talking.             

