Classic Champagne Cocktail French 75 Recipe

How to Make a French 75

So let’s add some fancy to our champagne cocktail game.  Today we’re making a French 75 which calls for breaking out the champagne and mixing in some decent gin.  Hey, nobody ever said this cocktail game was cheap.  There are other recipes which call for cognac and are served on the rocks in a Collins glass.  But below you’ll find the traditional directions for making this classic champagne cocktail.


To a shaker tin half way filled with ice add:

1/2 teaspoon simple syrup

1/2 ounce fresh lemon juice

1 oz. gin (Something decent like Hendricks)

Stir the ingredients briefly before straining contents into a flute glass.

Now add:

3-4 ounces of chilled champagne

No garnish needed.  If the guest requests a slightly weaker drink, then top up the glass with the champagne.  Wear ear protection when you put these on the country club set because they’ll be rattling their jewelry for more!


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