Classic Cocktail Recipe Caipirinha Bartending

How to Make a Caipirinha

It’s time to get exotically Brazilian with their national cocktail the Caipirinha (pronounced k-EYE-pir-een-YA).  The base spirit is a crude style of rum called cachaca (pronounced kuh-CHAA-kuh) which presents a murky fruitiness to the palate.  This cocktail offers a great change up for any warm weather cocktail menu, especially if you tend bar in a small town.  Alrighty let’s get busy.


Fill an Old-Fashioned aka rocks glass with ice and set aside.

In a cocktail shaker add:

4 to 5 lime wedges which have been cut in half

Add 1/2 ounce of Simple Syrup

Muddle until the limes have lost most of their juice.

Now add 3 ounces of Cachaca

Dump the ice from the rocks glass you set aside earlier into the shaker tin and shake vigorously for 8-10 seconds.

Pour the entire contents from the shaker tin into the chilled rocks glass and serve with a straw.


Caipirinhas are excellent in hot weather and offer your guests a nice escape from their classic cocktail tendencies.

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