Commandments of Bartending

Three Commandments for Bartending

There are many things for new bartenders to learn, like which cocktails should always be stirred. And many more things an establishment has to teach new hires, like how to make their award winning margaritas. But some of the most obvious advice is often overlooked in the early days of training up a new bartender. Luckily, Stephen Cunningham’s guide The Bartender’s Black Book lays out the three most critical commandments for new bartenders.

Commandment I

If there is any possible way a piece of broken glass may have flown into your ice, stop making drinks, melt all the ice and clean all areas that could be harboring glass fragments.

**If you can’t immediately melt the ice and are working with a crew of bartenders grab bright red grenadine and squirt it all over the ice. This way after you’ve walked off to fetch hot water, any other co-worker will immediately recognize not to touch the ice.

Commandment II

If someone has come into your establishment who has had too much to drink, DO NOT GIVE THEM ANOTHER DRINK. Feed them. Give them coffee. But don’t give them another drink.

Commandment III

If someone is not of legal drinking age, DO NOT GIVE THEM AN ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE. If someone says “I am this person’s parent, and I said it is all right if they want a drink”, the answer remains NO.

As a bartender at an establishment or house party YOU CAN BE CHARGED CRIMINALLY IF YOU GIVE ALCOHOL TO A MINOR.

Following the good Mr. Cunningham’s advice will keep you and your employer well clear of such legal and safety hazards.


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