Rules for Drinking Like the French

Drink Like the French

From his memoirs of Montparnasse Jimmie “The Barman” Charters explains the best way to consume and enjoy alcohol.  I wish someone would’ve told me about this years ago.  The following passage is taken from his book This Must Be the Place, which is packed full of memorable sketches and portraits of the people who frequented his bars around the Left Bank.  There’s even a foreword by Ernest Hemingway!


The safest way to drink is the French way, and if you stick to this formula you can never go wrong: before dinner not more than two cocktails or aperitifs; with the meal a good wine properly served; after the meal, coffee and one or two liqueurs; then stop.  Such a system will make you gay, light, and clearheaded the next day, and you will enjoy yourself without danger of excess.  If you are obliged to continue drinking during the afternoon or evening, switch to light beer.


The book is valuable in laying out just what a bartender has to take on behind any bar they work.  Paris of 1925 is no different than Tulsa, Oklahoma 2021 when it comes to handling people and the situations they put you in.  Grab a copy of the book here.  It will shave years off your learning curve in dealing with people.

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